Why is it So Hard to Make a Living?

Young Americans are experiencing a crisis because it is so hard to make a living. Some older Americans are struggling to grasp why this is true.

“I tell older people that it is very hard just to live now, and they say something like, ‘Well, we just saved our money, bought a starter home and we drove used cars,” a friend of mine in her thirties shared. She was having this conversation with an older friend from church.

I assured my young friend that she was indeed correct. It is definitely even more hard to make a living now than it used to be. The older person was making a simple error.

It is easy for those of us who are older to think of the struggles of our early days and assume nothing has changed. We can remember how hard it was for us and just think that a young person today just needs to tighten their financial belt one more notch.

But oh, how things have changed for younger Americans! It is definitely hard to make a living–much harder than in 1970.

Why is it so Hard to Make a Living Now?

First the good news? I put that question mark there for a reason. You’ll see why shortly.

Since 1971, the median family income has increased 5.5 times, from $10,000 to $55,000.

By itself, that sounds okay.

I guess?

Here’s the rub, consider the cost of common items for living:

Cost of a car increased 12x.

Cost of house increased 14x.

Cost of healthcare per person went up 37x.

Why is it so hard to earn a living now versus a few decades ago?

The simple fact is, the cost of most things we need in life became exponentially more expensive that it used to be. Our income rose modestly in comparison.

But Why the Uneven Increase in Cost?

We are seeing one of prime movers in the current audit being conducted by the Department of Governmental Efficiency.

For way too long, politicians and connected individuals have been raping the American taxpayer. This is not a political party issue–it has been a sad truth that one of the most efficient ways to get wealthy in America is to get elected to Congress or serve in certain appointed positions in government.

For instance, in the USAID funding, approximately 93% of that money was fraudulent. Some of the largest recipients of USAID money were former high-level politicians, their friends, as well as pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

As of today, some of the shocking stats on the Social Security Administration were released, with 1.5 million people over the age of 150 years old still receiving benefits, and 1,041 individuals over the age of 220 still getting that check!

I hope everyone realizes, the SSA is sending your money to people who no longer exist–yet someone is getting the money.

Also understand that this same government has been long engaged in deficit spending, in other words, taking out loans to pay all of this fraud and theft going on. This stacks up to where the national debt (see the national debt clock here, real time) has amassed an unreal liability on current and future generations.

Why is it so hard to make a living? Because you are having your life pilfered from you by wealthy politicians and their corrupt friends.


Another heavy load that is not always grasped is that we are taxed every time we do anything, multiple times.

We have income tax, social security, medicare, sales tax, gas tax, and even on things we buy, the company producing the goods or services are taxed also.

We are paying multiple layers of taxes. I pay over 50% of my income in tax.

Is there any doubt it is hard to make a living now?

Quantitative Easing. Why it is so Hard to Make a Living

This term “qualitative easing” was introduced a few years ago. It was a euphemistic term for something else.

That something else is fraud. Crime. Theft.

But “easing” sounds so polite, gentle.

The key point here is that what quantitative easing is when the Federal Reserve, with the consent of Congress, decides to increase the money supply.

While that is sold to people as a way of increasing cash to people, it actually decreases the value of cash.

Especially if you have been a responsible citizen and have been saving your money.

With more quantity of money credits, any money you already have is worth less. (Worthless?)

This is the basic and truest definition of inflation: An increase in the money supply.

The Non-Federal Non-Reserve

Just so you know, the Constitution gives Congress the power to “coin money”. But the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the “Federal” Reserve, which is not federal and is utterly unconstitutional.

If you took civics you know there are only two ways to modify the Constitution.

One is through the amendment process.

The other is through a Constitutional Convention.

Neither of those happened. This was a “decree,” and it is seem as valid because it has gone largely unopposed and therefore there is “precedent.”

Looking into what the authors of the Constitution said, we find that precedent does not grant constitutionality to violations of the document. An unconstitutional precedent is always unconstitutional.

Will anything happen?

What do Private Bankers Want?

The Federal Reserve is a group of private (and often international) bankers. They are appointed.

What do they want from life?

Money, power, and privilege.

Why is it so hard to make a living?

Because private bankers are riding on your back.

Hope for the Future?

This is why I recommend all Americans, regardless of political ideology, support the work of DOGE.

The only hope for making it less hard to make a living is to clean out the criminals and stop the theft from hard-working citizens.

Yes, support DOGE.

And also, write and call your representatives. As mentioned in this article the duty of the American Christian is to participate in government, since we are covenantally the actual authority.

For a more detailed plan on how to get involved as a believer in making a kingdom of God difference in your community and nation, get my book Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are at this link.

It is Hard to Make a Living Now, So…

In the meantime, let us follow the example of the early church:

And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. (Acts 2:44, 45).

This is the way (I know that sounds very Mandalorin of me, but Jesus is the Way!) we who are in Christ live. As our Savior said, “By this you will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (Jn. 13:35)

Love is often a confusing term in America because we use it for so many concepts. But the word “love” in the passage above is the familiar and beautiful term “agape,” which is that sacrificial love that seeks the best interest of another.

In hard times, agape love is shown by us bonding together and sharing. If the fraud and theft is making it hard for a brother or sister to make a living, in love we share what we have.

Live beautifully in love, support DOGE, and call your representatives.

Let’s do this…

(Image by YinYang/IStockphoto)


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