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Christian Doubt? What to Do, Part II

 In part I we noted that if you sometimes or are currently experiencing doubt about Jesus, the Bible, or other faith matters—you are in exceedingly good company. John the Baptist, the 11 disciples still around after the resurrection of the Christ, as well as myself (Stevo) have all struggled with doubt. Doubt is part of the walk—and can result in a stronger faith in the long term.

            As promised, there is a particular possession that you have as a baptized believer in Christ that can put you back on a path of strength and resilience. While it may sound simple, I have found in counseling people for spiritual struggles that this is one really hard possession for many of us to lay hold of.

            Let’s see what it is…

Does God Sing Loudly Over You?

            Really, when you think about how your Creator views you, do you picture him every morning as you wake—singing with great joy over you?

            It may sound odd or even impossible—but you should.

            You really should.

            No really.

            Have you read the Old Testament book of Zephaniah lately? No? What a surprise!

            Well there is something spectacular in the words of that old prophet that each of us needs to dwell and meditate on. Here it is:

The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. (Zep. 3:17)

            Just a quick note on Bible interpretation. This specific passage is given from God to Judah through the prophet Zephaniah. It applies specifically to whom it was spoken. This prophet was speaking for God to the people of Judah and their King Josiah—they are the primary “holders” of this spoken word.

            Yet there is more to this—because this passage tells us something of the nature of God himself. Malachi 3:16 clearly states, “For I the LORD do not change…”.  This is called being “immutable” in theological circles (and we all should be in that circle). God’s love expressed for Judah is something that flows from who he is, and as God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34) this love the LORD is said to demonstrate for Judah is the same love he shows for all of his actual or potential children.

            While this verse has a primary message to the precious people of Judah (who were by and large in rebellion to God) in that time—the unchanging (immutable) nature of God imparts to you a particular possession.

            God loves you.

            And in spite of what you may feel about this statement, he actually has a love so strong and otherworldly that he sings over you.

            But he not only sings over you, he “exults,” which carries the meaning of “spinning around, under the influence of violent emotion, to be joyful, to rejoice” (Strong’s Dictionary of Bible Words)!

            But he is not only excitedly spinning around and singing with a violent emotion of love—he is also singing “loud,” he is shouting, crying, or proclaiming his love over you in song.

            Wow…just wow!

            It tends to be hard to accept because that is not the way we created beings treat each other—at least not for long, right? If you come through for me and show me respect, I’ll likely treat you well and reciprocate.

            But if you are going through a rough spell and are negligent of me or let me down, I’ll likely in my human weakness (the flesh) retaliate, or at least, neglect you in return.

            It is natural that nearly everyone I do therapy with for spiritual doubt has trouble dealing with and accepting the unmerited love of God for themselves. But without accepting the loud singing of their Creator over them, they do not get any better or stronger in their faith.

            Strangely, they find it easier to conceive of God loving their closest friends, family, children, or spouse. But they see themselves as a special case, and in their mind they are thinking, “Well yes, I know Jesus died for me and that he loves me, but if I would only improve my behavior in this area…”.

            In other words, “No one is a bad as I am bad, I am a special case. But I could do better.”

            The answer to that is “no.”


            And, no.

            Oh yes, God intends for you to be transformed into someone who daily is growing into the likeness of his only Son. But that doesn’t happen because you are trying harder—you will begin to change when you finally give up and just listen to and enjoy the loud and emotionally violent singing of your Creator over…little ole’ you.

            When you start to just say, “I give up, I can see your great love, Lord,” it is then that he can transform you and wash those doubts away.

            But practically, how do you come to accept your Creator’s loudly emotional singing over you—and let that wash your doubt away?

            Tune in to Part III for some practical steps.

            Also, if you need a greater view of the amazing and transformative love of our Messiah, Yeshua, get my book, First Person Messiah; Transforming Your Life Through Amazing Encounters with Jesus at this link!

            Stevo out…

[Image by Fizkes/Shutterstock]

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