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Author: admin
Jim Palmer’s 14 Points-Part II, Helping People
In Part II of his discourse, the author contrasts his motivations for ministry with those of a former evangelical pastor, Palmer. While the author admires Palmer’s initial intent to help people and make a difference, he questions if that aligns with the core tenets of Christianity. The author argues that his own ministry is not…
Superhero Gets 4-Star Review!
John M. Murray reviews Stephen K. Moore’s self-help book “Superhero,” which uses a plane’s near-crash allegory to advise on mental health and personal betterment. Blending faith with science, it offers steps for self-improvement and social cohesion, tackling diverse issues. Though Christianity-based, it’s inclusive to all faiths and ends with a practical workbook.
Answering Jim Palmer’s 14 Objections…Part I, Doctrine
Former megachurch pastor Jim Palmer’s rejection of Christian doctrine and the ensuing debate on social media is the subject of discussion. While some celebrate his stance, others vehemently criticize it. The author expresses a desire to understand Palmer’s perspective and finds common ground in questioning the blind adherence to traditionalism in organized religion. The interpretation…
Superhero Wins 2023 AWA Award!
I am thrilled and grateful to announce that Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are received top honors in the book category Religion. I am very passionate about the message of this book-I have long realized that the strength of the gospel message is not through dynamic and talented individuals but through the body of…
White, Wheat, or Jesus?
So, these folks get fed by Jesus one afternoon with food miraculously expanded by our Savior. He took the meal of a young boy and fed more than 5,000 people. Some of these people evidently didn’t get it. There was a big message in what Jesus did–and they totally missed the point. The very next…
The God Who Speaks to the Lost (And Found), Part I
Just finished up a week on the Big Island of Hawai’i. It was rough duty. Discovered something though. Our wild and amazing God was up to his usual predictably unpredictable ways-especially back in the day when the famed King Kamehameha and his son were in power. This story is faith-building and inspiring-and for someone who…
Self-Love and the Cross
“Learning to love yourself, this is the greatest love of all.” Those words are from the song The Greatest Love of All written by Linda Creed and Michael Messer. It’t been around long enough to probably be classified as an oldie. Whitney Houston rocked this song with her amazing voice in 1985. This song’s words…
The Search for Perfect Church
Church-hopping or even becoming a “non-attender” has become common. I hear many who do this defending their decision by criticizing the imperfections of the church or churches they have tried out. Perhaps the worship is too dull and unenthusiastic. Or it is too spirited and alarming. Are there hypocrites, cliques, or politics going on? What…
Why First Person Messiah?
My new book First Person Messiah has been well-received—but I’m getting some questions about it. One of the main questions is, “What made you think about writing this way?” To be truthful—it was what I call a “Holy Spirit Audible.” I was leading a Sunday morning Bible class called Seeing Jesus, Walking With. It was…
Rejoice Always, Really?
So the Apostle Paul is problematic. He says things like “Pray without ceasing” and “give thanks in all circumstances.” (I Thes. 5:17) As I said in an earlier article about the “pray without ceasing” admonishment from the same text—this one is a bit difficult. Okay, it’s a whole lot difficult. Life gets really tough—there is…